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GTA5 Steam is On Sale for Half Price, Just 59 RMB

  • 2019-08-28
  • GTA 5, the classic open world game, is currently on Steam at half price and can be bought for just 59 (from 119), which is even cheaper than Stand-alone game. The half-price deal for GTA 5 will last until August 30, The players who have not yet purchased the game can seize the chance to buy it now. It's been six years since GTA5 was released, but with this promotion, it's expected to be the top of Steam's sales charts again next week. Grand Theft Auto 5, or GTA5, is an action-adventure game produced and released by Rockstar Games. In GTA5, you can experience a very open and free world where story-driven, mission-driven gameplay is on full display. This game’s picture and sound effect performance is exquisite, completely natural, the sense of reality multiplies. At the same…

Black Desert Online Gets New Skill Master System

  • 2019-08-22
  • Today Pearl Abyss and Kakao Games announced that Black Desert Online will be updated with a new Life Skill Mastery system. This long-awaited feature will be rolled out over the course of several weeks starting the 4th of September. The new system will extend the depth of the exciting Life Skill-related content by adding a new value to current Life contents. The new Mastery system will depend on a character’s Life Skill Level. Hence, the higher the Life Skill Level, the larger the Mastery will be. Adventurers can further enhance their character’s new Mastery by using Life Skill accessories and Gears that will be newly added along with the update. Three different grades of Life Skill items will be added successively, allowing adventurers to enjoy a variety of benefits that they could…

WoW Classic FAQ: The Things We Need to Know

  • 2019-08-21
  • World of Warcraft Classic launches August 27. To make sure you’re prepared, we’ve pulled together some information to help you get started on your journey through Azeroth. With less than a week to go until the world of warcraft vintage costume launches (Aug. 27), is everyone ready? I hope the following information will help you get started on Azeroth's journey. Q. What is WoW Classic? A. World of Warcraft Classic is a faithful recreation of the original WoW experience, as it was in 2006. Everything about the game—from combat mechanics and talent trees, to character models and zone layouts—has been restored to realize a truly authentic experience.  Q. When does  WoW Classic launch? A. The game will launch worldwide on Monday, August…

WoW Classic Is So Popular, Blizzard Add PVP Realms

  • 2019-08-20
  • After the opening of the World of Warcraft classic name’s reservation on August 14, the return of many players and the addition of new players keep Azeroth full of life. But WoW Classic may already be suffering from too many players and too much server load. At least according to Blizzard's analysis of player’s name registrations The existing PvP realms all now have either a Full or High population tag. With the potential for extended queues on the Full realms, and 10,000+ queues on Herod. So Blizzard urge players on PvP realms to consider moving to Stalagg realm. Doing so will help spread the player population as evenly as possible before launch and provide the best play experience for everyone. And Blizzard has created more WoW Classic PVP realms to make sure players…

Shadowbringers Received High Praise

  • 2019-08-19
  • FINAL FANTASY 14 is the latest entry in the global classic game brand FINAL FANTASY series produced by square enix. The global accumulative user exceeds 14 million! Shadowbringers (5.0) is Final Fantasy XIV's brand new expansion. It features major changes to the job actions, story progression, a plethora of quests, new Jobs: Gunbreaker and Dancer, new Races: Viera and Hrothgar, level cap increased to 80, new dungeons, trials and raids, release of new features, and much more. IGN scored a 9.5 for the 5.0 expansion for Final Fantasy 14, higher than the 9.2 for the 4.0 expansion red lotus fever, and reviewers felt that shadow's backflame further cemented Final Fantasy 14 as one of the greatest…

Buy Operation: Mechagon Boost Service - Speed4Game

  • 2019-08-16
  • Operation: Mechagon is a new mega dungeon in Patch 8.2 Rise of Azshara. The dungeon comes with unique rewards as well as a Hard Mode that you can activate to complete the Keep DPS-ing and Nobody Explodes and Hertz Locker achievements. What Rewards can you get from Operation: Mechagon? Gear: 415 ilvl Punchcards: Red, Yellow and Blue One item level 430 Azerite Helm Mount: Aerial Unit R-21/X - Drops from King Mechagon on Hard Mode difficulty Mount: Mechagon Peacekeeper - Drops from HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit Pet: Golden Snorf - Drops from King Mechagon Pet: Microbot 8D - Drops from HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit Azerite Essence & Upgrades: Engine of Mecha-Perfection - Drops from King Mechagon Blueprint: Perfectly Timed Differential - Drops from King Mechagon Above is all the amazing…

What Is The Best WOW Classic Professions for PVP?

  • 2019-08-15
  • We all know that there are 12 professions in WoW classic, but there may be some confusion about how to choose these professions. Today we can discuss this together. Firstly, how many professions can you have in WoW Classic ? 1. In WoW Classic, You can have two primary professions for each character. There are gathering professions (Skinning, Mining, Herbalism) and crafting professions (Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, and Tailoring) 2. The other professions are classified as Secondary Professions (Cooking, Fishing, First Aid) and all can be learned. Then, What is the best PvP Professions in Classic WoW? 1. Engineering: Hands down, the best PvP Profession in Classic WoW in my opinion is Engineering. Not only can…

How To Get WOW 15th Anniversary Mount

  • 2019-08-14
  • Today Blizzard preview two WoW 8.2.5 mounts: Stormpike Battle Ram and Frostwolf Snarler , there are rewards from WoW's 15th anniversary Alterac Valley Event. Both of the mouts are achievement rewards from Alterac Valley of Olde, requiring the player to earn 100 Timewarped Badges  from doing quests and participating in the Classic Alterac Valley.  Stormpike Battle Ram is for Alliance, Frostwolf Snarler is only for Horde. Their pictures as belows:                    If you don’t have enough time to complete the achievement “Alterac Valley of Olde”, please don’t worry, we - Speed4game will help you to get the WOW 15th Anniversary…

WoW Classic Name Reservations Open Today

  • 2019-08-13
  • WoW Classic name reservation open now! Create your character first and start a perfect journey of WoW Classic. Starting today at 6pm EST, Blizzard will allow players to reserve their servers and keep their names, so if you want to have the perfect start, log in and create your character ahead of time. What are the requirements for character reservation of WoW Classic? When you reserve a name, you’ll also choose the realm you will play that character on,and each account can create up to three game characters prior to the launch of the costume. Players who choose to play on a PvP realm will only be able to create characters within the same faction. This means that if you create an Alliance character, all further characters on that realm must also be…

How to Choose WOW Classic Best PVE Profession?

  • 2019-08-12
  • WOW Classic opens on August 27, to players, in addition to the excitement and anticipation, there is also a headache thing, that is how to choose a profession in WOW classic. My Top 3 picks for best PvE Professions, for dungeons and raids, in Classic WoW are: Alchemy Engineering Blacksmithing / Enchanting / Leatherworking / Tailoring Similar to PvP, the best professions for PvE in Classic WoW are, in my opinion, Alchemy & Engineering. I'm giving Alchemy a little bit of an edge here because of how valuable consumables (potions, elixirs, flasks and more) are in end-game content (dungeons, raids) - especially early on. On top of that, the ability to transmute certain items can be extremely valuable, particularly Recipe: Transmute Arcanite.…
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